HENZELL William < Back  
Sport Table Tennis
CGA Australia   
Gender Men
Born 23 Mar 1982 in Bedford Park, AUS
Height1.78 m
Weight 68 kg
Human Interest
Further Personal Information
Residence Melbourne, VIC, AUS
Sport Specific Information
Club / Team East Adelaide Table Tennis Club and SASI: Adelaide, SA, AUS
General Interest
Hobbies He enjoys all sports and plays racketlon during the off-season. Photography is also a major interest.
(tabletennis.org.au, 17 Aug 2010)
Memorable sporting achievement He won a silver medal at the Commonwealth Games in 2006. "It was like a dream come true," he said.(theage.com.au, 20 Aug 2010)
Sport Specific Information
Why this sport? He started the sport as a winter alternative to tennis.
General Interest
Awards and honours He was inducted in the Australia table tennis Hall of Fame in 2008. (theage.com.au, 20 Aug 2010)
Sport Specific Information
Name of coach Jens Lang [national]
Preferred position / style / stance / technique Classic
Handedness Right
When and where did you begin this sport? He started playing table tennis at the age of six.
Further Personal Information
Occupation Information Technology, Athlete
General Interest
Nicknames Wookie. (smh.com.au, 27 Mar 2006)
Other information TRAVELLER
At the age of 14, William left his family and moved to Europe to improve his game, spending 10 years in Sweden and 2 years in Germany. (stt.org.au, 22 Oct 2009)

He has gambled his savings and job in a bid to represent Australia in London. "It was a huge decision to quit work. I had many sleepless nights before I took the plunge. I was working in an IT department when I decided to quit. I told the company that it was my dream to play a third Olympics." Since quitting his job he has spent the past 18 months training in Austria at the Werner Schlager Academy with head coach Richard Prause. (London info+, 17 Jul 2012)