HUYNH Carol < Back  
Sport Wrestling - Freestyle
CGA Canada   
Gender Women
Born 16 Nov 1980 in Hazelton, CAN
Height1.54 m
Weight 48 kg
Human Interest
Further Personal Information
Residence Calgary, AB, CAN
Sport Specific Information
Club / Team University of Calgary Wrestling Club: Calgary, AB, CAN
Further Personal Information
Higher education Psychology - Simon Fraser University: Burnaby, BC, CAN
General Interest
Hobbies Reading books. (, 30 Sep 2011)
Memorable sporting achievement Winning the gold medal in the 48kg division at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. "My success at the Olympic games will stick with me for a very long time." (, 24 Aug 2010)
Sport Specific Information
Why this sport? Her older sister was wrestling in the high school team and encouraged her and her younger sister to join.
General Interest
Ambitions "Enjoy the sport of wrestling for as long as I can; keep learning; compete to the best of my ability; make the 2012 Olympic team. Fulfil the requirements to become a registered psychologist; work with athletes as a psychologist; and become a wrestling coach." (, 30 Sep 2011).
Sport Specific Information
Name of coach Mitch Ostberg, Paul Ragusa
Training Regime She does wrestling practice five times a week, for two hours each session. She also does up to six sessions a week with her strength and conditioning coach
When and where did you begin this sport? She joined her high school wrestling team at age 15.
Further Personal Information
Occupation Athlete, Student
Languages English
General Interest
Other information FAMILY BACKBROUND
Her parents came to Canada as refugees from Vietnam. The volunteer fire department of Hazelton raised money so that Carol's family could go to the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing to watch her. (, 22 Dec 2008;, 2010)

In 2011 she was studying for a Masters in Counselling Psychology at Athabasca University in Alberta. (,30 Sep 2011)
Further Personal Information
Family Husband Dan Biggs