TRILLUS Dietmar < Back  
Sport Archery
CGA Canada   
Gender Men
Born 21 May 1958
Height1.83 m
Weight 97 kg
Human Interest
Further Personal Information
Residence Toronto, ON, CAN
General Interest
Hobbies Hunting, fishing, canoeing and spending time with his family. (, 17 Aug 2010)
Sport Specific Information
When and where did you begin this sport? Bought his first bow in 2000 for the prime purpose to go hunting. Due to cold weather conditions he was forced to practice inside on paper faces. As he became more and more skilled, he decided to take archery to a competitive level. In 2005 he participated in his first national FITA field tournament, immediately setting a new national record.
Further Personal Information
Occupation Carpenter
Languages English
Family Two children